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Re: mpi-defaults: Incorrect debian/1.9 tag


Deleted the 1.9 tag on salsa.

I think we also need to change powerpc and ppc64 to mpich, as of openmpi3:

configure: error: Big endian PPC is no longer supported.


On 05/02/2018 12:42, James Clarke wrote:
I've just done a team upload of mpi-defaults to add ia64 support, and did a bit
of cleanup at the same time (optional->extra, compat and standards version,
Vcs-*, etc). I noticed however that the debian/1.9 tag currently points to the
debian/1.8 commit, as opposed to 5941a2422bdb7ae0f53dd97ef1d451f19b5a391a. I've
re-created the tag on Alioth to point to the right commit in case anyone clones
(or fetches) via SSH, but GitLab doesn't let non-Masters delete tags, so I
can't fix it on Salsa. Could someone please delete the tag on Salsa for me?


NB: If you have a local checkout with the debian/1.9 tag, git (deliberately)
    doesn't update local tags, so you'll need to delete it and re-fetch it once
    this has been fixed if you want to have the correct one.

Alastair McKinstry, <alastair@sceal.ie>, <mckinstry@debian.org>, https://diaspora.sceal.ie/u/amckinstry
Commander Vimes didn’t like the phrase “The innocent have nothing to fear,”
 believing the innocent had everything to fear, mostly from the guilty but in the longer term
 even more from those who say things like “The innocent have nothing to fear.”
 - T. Pratchett, Snuff

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