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Re: generic C++ code for uniform b-spline processing

Am 22.06.2017 um 20:35 schrieb Andreas Tille:

please permit that I continue this conversation in public where it
started.  I'm sorry to admit that I have no time for private teaching
and on one hand public discussion provides better input from different
people on the other hand your learning process is archived for later
reference that might help others.

Sorry, I used the wrong address because I simply replied to your previous mail. I mean to keep the discussion public by all means.

But I'm not really getting anywhere.

I guess this is probably not the best first reading.  I'd recommend



as the first step rather than gbp manual.

Thanks for the links. I did start on these texts several times already but got overwhelmed and carried away by the many cross references. Trying to digest this stuff gets you into a sort of hyperlink loop...

My intended package is a header-only
C++ library plus a few examples, there is nothing to 'build', and somehow I
can't seem to make gbp to understand that all I want to do is provide a few
sources and a some collateral files, have them put in usr/... and specify a
few dependencies on other packages, which provide headers I include.

I'd like to repeat as a helpful example

     apt-get source cimg

This is what I used as a template to create a package on my system.

the debian/ dir should possibly answer all your questions.

It sort of did - I used it as a template for my package:

What I can do though is build a simple package with dpkg-deb, which does all
I want it to do. I have a control file in vspline/DEBIAN/control:

Please do NOT create DEBIAN/control manually.  The developer should just
edit files in debian/ (lowercase!).

When I issue 'dpkg-deb --build vspline' I get the .deb package.

I would not recommend to use dpkg-deb but rather wrappers like debuild or
pdebuild - please read in the linked docs about these.

dpkg-deb expects the control file in DEBIAN/, that's why I put it there instead of in debian/.

I just CC debian-science list for completion with the remaining text
of yours.  May be others might like to comment here but I think what
I wrote should bring you back on track.

No, I'm still running in circles. I'd like specific information on creating a package which has no binary content because it doesn't need to build anything. It's only C++ source code. This should be trivial. I can build the package I want with dpkg-deb and the control file in DEBIAN/, it comes out like the example package you recommend I should study and it installs just fine. This is the one way I found so far which actually produced the package I want.

I have the control file and the copyright file to create control.tar.gz. I know the target destinations, and have my git repository with upstream code. I have a branch putting the upstream files into positions relative to usr/ so that the data.tar.xz file can be built. Now I'd like to create a .deb package from these ingredients. What I don't know is the tool to get this done and which is an accepted solution for debian science. I'd like to do this on my own system first, so that I don't have to operate on alioth via ssh unless I know what I'm doing, but maybe this is silly?

Would it be a good idea if I cloned my repo to alioth anyway with what I have so far? Maybe the problem is with the toolchain I have here (I'm on kubuntu 16.10)

with regards

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