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Re: frobby and memtailor

Just a suggestion for the future uploads. Think about adding
autopkgtest (DEP-8), so you can profit from new Debian continuous
integration. Also autotest during build are usually useful.

Next time, please, no need to upload packages on mentor.
We do rebuild them anyway, grabbing the latest changes from

Best regards


2015-03-22 13:19 GMT+01:00 Doug Torrance <douglas.a.torrance@gmail.com>:
> On 03/22/2015 04:15 AM, Anton Gladky wrote:
>> I have uploaded both of your packages. But I needed to drop
>> symbols-file from frobby as lintian returns  an error [1]. You will
>> be able to add it again during next uploads. From an experience,
>> maintaining of those symbol-files is always a pain. But you can
>> decide yourself, whether to use it.
>> [1]
>> https://lintian.debian.org/tags/symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision.html
> Great -- thank you, Anton!
> I finally found the Lintian error that you're talking about -- it only shows
> up for me on the package generated by pbuilder.  I suppose it's some subtle
> Debian/Ubuntu difference (I do my development on a machine running utopic).
> I'll be more careful in the future!
> Doug

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