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Re: Sage in debian (WIP)

Le 06/08/2012 01:11, Andrés Goens a écrit :
I've looked at the git repo, but I'm afraid you are right. Are you guys
trying to get sage 4.7 into debian first, or is it just that one because
it was the release at the time you did that?
The current sage (5.2) also uses a flint 1.*, but work is being done on
sage to upgrade to flint 2.* :
  I really don't know much about flint 1, since flint 2 is a complete
rewrite. However, if sage has yet to upgrade to flint 2, it might still
be worthwhile packaging the 1.* version in order to package a current
sage release, even though in the future we would have to go to flint2.
While I think flint2 would be easier for me to help, if you guys think
flint1 is more of a priority at the moment, I would also volunteer to
try and help with it.

My personal take on the matter is to shoot for the more recent upstream, then complain to sage if they use something older, as targetting a specific sage version would mean shooting for an already out-of-date version.

More precisely, "complain" means report it as a bug to sage, and provide help to fix the matter.

Snark on #debian-science

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