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Re: [packaging] DIET grid middleware


thank you for your review
1. i reduced descriptions up to 60 characters and refactored long descriptions.
2. done
3. done (i was able to rebuild the package with git-buildpackage from a fresh clone) 4. i splitted package between logcentral (logging daemon) and libraries (with their -dev counterparts) liblogforwarderutils (contains common utils for the latters), liblogservicecomponentbase, liblogservicetoolbase. lintian still complains because of the case, but i'm not sure of what to do since debian policies requires that package name should be lowercase. It might be worth renaming them shorter, at least drop the base suffix (your take ?) 5. DIET website still requires registration for downloading tarballs, i'll try (again) convincing the main maintainer to provide public-access downloads. As soon as possible, i'll add a debian/watch.
6. done
7. this has been fixed, scheduled for the upcoming patch release.

Best regards,

Haïkel Guémar
Software Engineer - SysFera www.sysfera.com

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