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Re: Asking for common wisdom on new field(s): References*

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 08:01:18PM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> I will add a debian/ustream-metadata.yaml files to the packages for which
> I remove the bibliographic info from the tasks pages.

OK - this will push a bit the ustream-metadata.yaml -> UDD -> tasks
pages implementation (but that's fine).
> The BibTex files may contain more than one reference, and it is not possible to
> know which one to put forward. Unless of course we make a convention that the first
> one is always the recommended one.

IMHO this is safe because there should be always "a first one".  If it
is documented at some reasonable place that the first reference is used
on several places in Debian and thus should be the most important / most
up to date one it is fine IMHO.
> In that case, we could think about gathering the information directly from
> debian/references instead.

I'd prefer this over maintaining copies.

> The main obstacle would be to write the code.
> Ideally, I would hope to find a Perl module like BibTeX::Parser, but that
> accepts a variable or an URL instead of a filehandle.

But if there is a Parser which accepts "some input" patching it to
accept other input sources shouldn't be that hard.
Kind regards



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