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Re: OpenMPI transition

Am Montag, den 08.06.2009, 11:16 +1000 schrieb Drew Parsons:
> At some point I plan to prepare gerris with MPI support.  I guess I'll
> wait until these current MPI transitions are all sorted. Will there or
> can there be a message letting us know when the dust has all settled?

Sure. I will do so.

> And is there a best-practices document describing how best to build a
> Debian package in the midst of the various MPI alternatives?

Not yet. I currently would not recommend to build MPI support for every
MPI implementation available. There's a source package "mpi-defaults"
available, that builds mpi-default-dev which you can build-dep on, and
mpi-default-bin which you can depend on. Those will add the necessary
depends for the default MPI implementation in Debian, which currently is
Open MPI on the platforms where it is available, and LAM/MPI on others.

I'm sorry that there is not more information available right now. This
surely needs to be fixed. The package is very simple, though. You will
understand it easily or can look at packages already using it. I would
recommend using it and ignore other MPI implementations for now. But
that's just my opinion, others might see things differently.

Best regards

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