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Re: OpenMPI transition

Am Montag, den 01.06.2009, 19:00 -0400 schrieb Adam C Powell IV:
> Last week OpenMPI transitioned to a new shared library package,
> reflecting an ABI change to version 1.3.x (which wasn't reflected in the
> shared lib package name of 1.3-2).
> I went to rebuild my spooles package, only to find that there is already
> a rebuild versioned 2.2-6+b1.
> However, superlu has not been rebuilt, and is a reverse-depends for a
> bunch of my packages.
> Was the spooles rebuild automatic, or someone's binNMU?  Should I do a
> binNMU for superlu, or wait for that to happen somehow automatically?
> What about my other reverse-depends?

The rebuilds were done by the release team, it's a regular transition
they know about. As it seems, I missed communicating it to the
maintainers of dependant packages. Sorry for that! :(

Before the transition, I rebuild all dependant packages without problems
in a clean chroot. While rebuilding on the buildds, a lot of packages
were hit by a bug in update-alternatives. A solution is known, I will
integrate it in Open MPI today and re-upload. The release team will
reschedule the builds.

It's just an ABI change, so a rebuild is enough to fix it. The release
team will take care of that, binNMUs by the maintainers are not needed.
The breakage was not expected. I'm sorry if some software became
uninstallable! We're trying to sort it out ASAP.

Best regards
Manuel, with his Open MPI maintainer hat

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