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Re: Repository?


Christophe Prud'homme <prudhomm@debian.org> (2008-05-08 13:11:22) :

> | David Bremner <bremner@unb.ca> (2008-05-06 11:23:34) :
> | > Speaking as the maintainer of all packages in pkg-science ( all 3 :-)
> | > ), I don't mind any sort of merging plan.  But I understood from
> | > previous mails from C. Prudhomme that he (and others?) preferred to
> | > keep pkg-scicomp a more focussed effort on scientific computation (in
> | > the computer science usage of that term).
> actually I am from applied math and I work in a laboratory whose themes are 
> sciences of computing which is pretty broad (ordinary/partial differential 
> equation, dynamical systems, geometry and images, statistics, ...)
> My main interest is to solve PDEs. To do this a broad range of software is 
> needed (CAD, mesh generation, graph, linear solvers, nonlinear solvers, ode 
> solvers, visualisation,...). My point of view would then often be given from 
> the applied math angle.

  Thanks for your feedback.

> |   Christophe, is pkg-scicomp suitable for Andreas plans?
> | http://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2008/05/msg00022.html
> The layout is different in pkg-scicomp repo: there is no particular 
> categorisation. I don't mind blitz going in pkg-science. In my mind it 
> certainly fits better in pkg-scicomp but I understand that other people see 
> things(repo software, science "categories",..) differently and I am 
> definitely very happy to see blitz maintained in Debian.


> Regarding blitz, I often use blitz and I am quite knowledgeable in the 
> underlying techniques. Let me know if you need some help.

  So I think it is to blitz maintainer to decide whether he wants to
join pkg-scicomp of debian-science as both seems to be relevant.

  I understand from your message pkg-scicomp is not designed to gather
more general scientific software outside the scope you gave
above. blitz in this case was both in the pkg-scicomp and
debian-science scope (the latter one being broader).

> | questions. And as I already stated in
> | http://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2008/01/msg00035.html I would
> | be happy to join whichever group.
> you have been added to pkg-scicomp. Feel free to subscribe to the mailing 
> lists.

  Thanks a lot. I already was subscribed to the mailing lists.

Best regards,

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