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Re: [DebianGIS] DebianGis and DebianScience/Geography

On Mon, 8 Dec 2008, Chris Walker wrote:

I still can't find a link to:

http://cdd.alioth.debian.org/gis/tasks/workstation.html - though there
is a link to the
metapackage [1].
[1] Andreas, perhaps you should also add a link to the task pages to
point to the corresponding metapackages.

I think I do not full yunderstand your proposal.  The page


has a pointer to education-geography because of the long description
given in the science-geography task file.  If you want to give a hint
to Debian GIS - just put it into the description as well.

 (not all packages on that list are included in tasks)

There appear to be 3 lists: education-geography,science-geography and
gis-workstation (that nobody mentions, and I found from a previous
mail by Andreas).

IMHO this is a documentation problem - GIS people whould spent some time
here ...

The obvious solutions to me are:

A) Do as is done for debian-med and have the science-geography task
  that depends on gis-workstation. In another mail, Andreas points to
  improvements that will allow #includes in metapackages in the not
  too distant future.

Obviosely this is currently no solution until a package gis-workstation
really exists.  This is not yet the case until Debian GIS team decides to
release metapackages.

B) Just use the science-geography task (possibly renamed) and
    i) Get the DebianScience wiki page to point at

This would somehow fit my idea about Debian Science: Host those singular
sciences until they are grown up enough to maintain their own blend.
But in the case of Debian GIS I've thought this would be the case.
Unfortunately this project is not very visible ...

   ii) Move the contents of DebianGis to DebianScience/Geography

IMHO this would be a step backwards - I wished some GIS people would
comment on this.

C) Something else.

As we are doing now? ;-))

Kind regards and thanks for bringing this up



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