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Re: Packaging Starlink CNF (highly portable fortran<->C bridge)

I have built starlink software before, specifically sla, and found
that a good place to get relatively "normal" tarballs from which you
can build individual components without needing their entire build
system are available here:
http://dev.starlink.ac.uk/build/DEBIAN-3.0r3_i386/dist/. I have only
used the sla code from that directory, but there is also a tarball for
cnf in there, I see.

I considered working on packaging starlink software, at least sla,
when installing sla at my job, but put it far on the back burner since
we, unfortunately, mostly do not use debian-based distributions where
I work. But if someone besides me is interested in seeing part or all
of the starlink code debian-ized, I would be happy to assist!


On 2/9/06, Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> For my work I developed quite some useful code (in meteorological
> environments) and it's licensed GPL.  It now works, and it's time to
> think about distribution.  All the dependencies are fine except CNF:
>    http://www.starlink.ac.uk/static_www/soft_further_CNF.html
> CNF is a highly portable bridge between C and Fortran.  It completely
> hides arch and compiler issues behind a convenient set of macros, and
> provides functions to common conversion tasks (like converting strings
> between Fortran and C).  So far I found it superior to any other
> C/Fortran bridging layer, especially for portability.
> Now, CNF is licensed under the terms of GPL, but the installer's fairly
> weird (http://www.starlink.ac.uk/store/store.html):
>  - Get the package from http://www.starlink.ac.uk/cgi-store/ftpform1?CNF
>  - Unpack the shell archive
>  - Go through an interactive process to configure and build and install
> The interactive process is also the process that generates the CNF
> macros according to the architecture and compiler in use.
> Is anyone interested in packaging this wild beast and would like to work
> on it together with me?
> Ciao,
> Enrico
> --
> GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico@debian.org>
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFD7EZE9LSwzHl+v6sRAihrAJ9tDPQyOeUjKfgrQLoocuEG7cAoPgCfSC5b
> rOLSmCIKNPjrs3R1aFc9ybk=
> =X/O/

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