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Re: diffing latex files -- strikeout?

Jukka Suomela <jukka.suomela@cs.helsinki.fi> writes:

> Now if I change just one word in a long paragraph, standard "diff" tools 
> only tell me that this one long line has changed. They just show the 
> old and the new version. It is up to me to find exactly what changes I 
> have made in this relatively long piece of text.

For comparing the source of two latex files (as opposed to producing a
dvi/pdf etc which shows the differences) I find the emacs ediff-files
command very useful.

In the case where line breaks have changed, I use
ediff-regions-wordwise, or the following wrapper:

(defun find-whole (f1)
  (find-file f1)

(defun eword-files (f1 f2)
  "Find files, mark whole buffers, and run ediff-regions-wordwise
   on them."
  (interactive "fFirst file: \nfSecond file:")
  (ediff-regions-wordwise (find-whole f1)
			  (find-whole f2)))


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