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Re: RFC: Revoke membership for janitor bot

Hi Daniel,

Em 30/09/2021 23:00, Daniel Leidert escreveu:
Hi there,

most of you know that janitor/jenkins is committing to our repositories
directly. However, I recently saw that it starts to commit changes targetted at
buid-dependencies purely based on the fact that lintian might complain, and it
also raises the standards version. IMHO these are tasks that only the
maintainer should do. I have serious doubts about raising the debhelper version
automatically because it changes debhelper's behavior (and can change package
contents or maintainer script behavior) and it also raises the requirements
which are then no longer been fulfilled by oldstable (has debhelper 12). I
don't want the debhelper level to be raised automatically because I'm still
trying to support buster-backports and I like having to do as few changes as
possible to prepare backports. So it is a conscious decision to stay with
debhelper 12 in some of my packages at the moment.

I agree with you that janitor should not, for instance, bump debhelper compatibility level automatically, this is something that the maintainer/uploader should do, going through the checklist and making sure the behavior is the expected. I'd be OK with merge requests coming from janitor.



Lucas Kanashiro

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