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Re: RFS: ruby-facade 1.0.7-1, ruby-fix-trinity-output 1.0.0-1, ruby-yell 2.0.5-1, ruby-colorize 0.7.7-1

On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 1:30 AM, Michael Crusoe
<michael.crusoe@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > ruby-fix-trinity-output 1.0.0-1
>> Fails to build.
> Whoops, I forgot to run this on my local pbuilder. Fixed the manpage & the
> tests.


>> I suggest that you create the man page once and save it in the debian
>> directory.
>> Please also submit this man page upstream!
> Hmm.. I think the man page will stay up to date if autogenerated (DRY
> principle).

I would say that a man page that is just auto-generated from help2man
isn't really worth anything. That is just to get lintian to not complain and
uploaders/ftp-masters (somewhat reluctantly) accepting the work.

Anyway, the man page version is not generated properly. Remember
that debian/rules is a Makefile and not a shell script, variables need
to be enclosed with parenthesis (i.e. $(version) ).

If you want you can also optimize your version extraction with either

    dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n '/Version/ {s/.* \(.*\)-.*$/\1/; p}'

or (even shorter)

    sed '1!d; s/.* (\(.*\)-.*/\1/' debian/changelog

It is good for both performance and readability to reduce amount of
pipes. Not that it matters much in this case but it is a good habit to
get used to.

> I doubt that this rubygem will get another release anytime soon.

Then I see very little point in autogenerating it. Knowing this I even
more strongly suggest that you create a static man page and put it
in the debian dir and use that. No need to waste CPU cycles on it
when building the package.

Finally, if you just fix (or remove) the man page version I'll upload
it. :-)


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