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Re: RSpec 3.0

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 03:58:30PM +0200, Cédric Boutillier wrote:
> Hi!
> On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 04:20:02PM -0300, Miguel Landaeta wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > I'm packaging ruby-vcr and I noticed all the unit tests were failing
> > badly.
> > After reviewing why I found that package relies on rspec '>= 3.0.0.beta1'.
> > So, I was wondering what are the plans for RSpec in Debian for jessie.
> > I was reading about compatibility with 2.x but is not totally clear
> > to me if it's going to be fully backward compatible or not. AIUI, yes,
> > it's going to be compatible but I would appreciate comments from more
> > experienced users and developers in the know of this tool.
> > * Is anybody working to package 3.0 release?
> > * Do you plan to have a separate package for it?
> I read that RSpec 3 will be compatible with the non-deprecated features
> in RSpec 2.14.
> http://myronmars.to/n/dev-blog/2013/07/the-plan-for-rspec-3
> However, we see a lot of deprecation warning in packages
> using the RSpec framework right now, and I am pretty sure that replacing
> the current rspec packages with version 3 will result in dozens of
> packages FTBFSing.
> Therefore, I would propose to have a ruby-rspec3 package (or a series of
> ruby-rspec3-* packages). We would need then to either:
> - make them conflict with the current ruby-rspec (for installation path
>   reasons)
> - or install them in another path, and patch all packages using RSpec3.
> I think that for jessie, we can go for the second strategy, since I
> don't think that we will have many packages running RSpec3.
> In the mean time, we can try to update the rspec2 packages to the 2.99
> version, which will list all the deprecation warning for stuff dropped
> in RSpec3.
> We can use our "free time" during the freeze to send patches upstream to
> update their test suite for RSpec 3, and have all our packages ready for
> Jessie + 1.

I think we should avoid adding versioned packages like ruby-rspec3 at
all costs. I would rather break packages using features that are
deprecated on rspec 2 now than having to support rspec2 for jessie+1.

I think it would be a better use of everyone's time to:

- upload rspec3 as a new upstream of ruby-rspec now¹ and  block it from
  going to testing (OR do it all on experimental and leave unstable and
  testing   alone for now)

- do a test rebuild to catch the offenders

- start fixing and reporting bugs upstream.

¹ we could take the opportunity to make rspec a single source package
  getting the source from github instead of getting individual gems from
  rubygems.org (or not, whatever is easier for who will do the work)

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro@debian.org>

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