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Re: RSpec 3.0


On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 04:20:02PM -0300, Miguel Landaeta wrote:
> Hi folks,

> I'm packaging ruby-vcr and I noticed all the unit tests were failing
> badly.

> After reviewing why I found that package relies on rspec '>= 3.0.0.beta1'.

> So, I was wondering what are the plans for RSpec in Debian for jessie.

> I was reading about compatibility with 2.x but is not totally clear
> to me if it's going to be fully backward compatible or not. AIUI, yes,
> it's going to be compatible but I would appreciate comments from more
> experienced users and developers in the know of this tool.

> * Is anybody working to package 3.0 release?

> * Do you plan to have a separate package for it?

I read that RSpec 3 will be compatible with the non-deprecated features
in RSpec 2.14.


However, we see a lot of deprecation warning in packages
using the RSpec framework right now, and I am pretty sure that replacing
the current rspec packages with version 3 will result in dozens of
packages FTBFSing.

Therefore, I would propose to have a ruby-rspec3 package (or a series of
ruby-rspec3-* packages). We would need then to either:
- make them conflict with the current ruby-rspec (for installation path
- or install them in another path, and patch all packages using RSpec3.

I think that for jessie, we can go for the second strategy, since I
don't think that we will have many packages running RSpec3.
In the mean time, we can try to update the rspec2 packages to the 2.99
version, which will list all the deprecation warning for stuff dropped
in RSpec3.
We can use our "free time" during the freeze to send patches upstream to
update their test suite for RSpec 3, and have all our packages ready for
Jessie + 1.


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