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Re: Question about git-buildpackage and DFSG-compliance

On 23 Sep 2014, at 6:12 pm, Cédric Boutillier <boutil@debian.org> wrote:


Finally I'm left with the same error when running git-buildpackage as the
orig.tar.gz file is still being created from the upstream/2.9.1 tag and
not upstream/2.9.1+dfsg.  I'm guessing that the Debian package builder
isn't going to be able to pass an extra option to choose which tag to
build from so I'm obviously missing something important to glue my
DFSG-compatibility changes together.

Does anyone have any helpful handy hints to solve this puzzle?

Have you updated the last changelog entry to have an upstream version
with the +dfsg suffix (something like 2.9.1+dfsg-1)?

I think that’s the missing piece.  I do remember reading something about changelog entries in my travels on the internet today but didn’t put it together.   Thanks!

The tarball you reimported in the pristine-tar branch does not have the +dfsg suffix.
From the team's Git repo for ruby-qed, I managed to build the +dfsg
version by:

Ah no - git-buildpackage generated a ta ball with the old name which I imported.  I’ll re-import it with the correct name tomorrow.


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