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Question about git-buildpackage and DFSG-compliance

Hi everyone.  I'm still a bit confused about how git-buildpackage works.
I'm fixing a couple of lintian errors in ruby-qed due to the fact that a
copy of jquery.js is included in the upstream source.  I've done some
operations on the git repo as recommended by google but have ended up with
"git-buildpackage ­us ­uc" creating the orig.tar.gz file from the wrong
upstream tag.  Is there a trick or two that I've missed out somewhere?

Before I started messing around the ruby-qed repo looked like this as it
was originally created using gbp import-dsc:

* branches: master, upstream, pristine-tar
* tags: upstream/2.9.1
* lots of files modified in debian/*

Now I have tried to remove lib/document/jquery.js to fix the
source-is-missing lintian error that has been there since the beginning.
I did this:

* create dfsg_clean branch off of the upstream branch
* removed jquery.js from the dfsg_clean branch, committed and tagged this
as upstream/2.9.1+dfsg
* merged dfsg_clean into master
* run git buildpackage --git-no-pristine-tar
--git-upstream-branch=dfsg_clean --git-upstream-tree=branch -us ­uc to
regenerate the orig.tar.gz file with query.js removed
* updated the pristine-tar branch with this new orig.tar.gz file

Finally I'm left with the same error when running git-buildpackage as the
orig.tar.gz file is still being created from the upstream/2.9.1 tag and
not upstream/2.9.1+dfsg.  I'm guessing that the Debian package builder
isn't going to be able to pass an extra option to choose which tag to
build from so I'm obviously missing something important to glue my
DFSG-compatibility changes together.

Does anyone have any helpful handy hints to solve this puzzle?


Tim Potter
Cloud Systems Engineer
HP Cloud Services

M +61 419 749 832
Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd

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