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Re: Introduction and question about proper Debian Rails packaging methods

]] Michael Franzl 


> We've decided to make the sources available for free unter the
> MIT/Expat license and I had the idea of generating a Debian package
> that hopefully can be included in one of the coming Debian
> distributions.

That's great! :-)

> The packaging and installation of the Rails application already works
> well, but I don't really know what the proper Debian-way of packaging
> a Bundle of Gems is:


> 4) Use gem2deb to create one .deb per .gem. Advantage: Probably the
> proper Debian way. Disadvantage: Up to 20 gems would have to be
> packaged with proper dependencies and versions.

This is the right way to go about it.  If you have many dependencies, as
in your case, this means there's a fair amount of effort to package up
all those gems, but on the other side, some of them might already be
packaged and so you get a sharing of effort between applications and

Tollef Fog Heen
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