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Re: Rails on Debian?

On 28/08/2012 01:47, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
Alex Young escreveu isso aí:
On 26/08/2012 22:40, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
Hi Bob,

Bob Proulx escreveu isso aí:
Advice?  What is the Best Practice for Rails on Debian?

All the javascript stuff did not get into wheezy because they depend on
NodeJS, so right now the Rails 3 stack will not complete in pure wheezy:
in special, since ruby-coffee-rails and ruby-uglifier did not migrate,
the Rails 3 asset pipeline is not available.

My main goal when pushing to get rails3 into wheezy was to be able to
upgrade Noosfero (http://noosfero.org/) to rails3, and since it does not
use the asset pipeline that will be no problem for me personally.

*But* I also plan to support the use case for new applications, so my
plan is the following:
<snip plan>

It sounds like the best practice *right now*, then, is:

   # apt-get install ruby rubygems
   # gem install rails

Even when all the requirements for rails 3 get into wheezy-backports,
I'd still go for this because we're not *that* far off rails 4, and a
gem installed rails will have an easier upgrade path, for my money.

You are free to use whatever solution works best for you.

Which practice is _best_, however, depends a lot on what you need and
expect. If you want/need to follow new upstream releases whenever they
are released, yeah, for sure go with installing with rubygems. That's
not, however, what everyone else wants/needs.

Of course. I'm trying to tease out the dividing line between the two, because the guidelines as they currently stand are rather implicit. From my perspective, using the Wheezy rails package *right now* would make sense if I was packaging an app specifically with the aim of getting it into Debian at some point in the future.

Once rails 3 is fully into wheezy-backports, I'd say that it would be more applicable for standalone applications with a long upgrade cycle.

My feeling is still that applications which are going to be actively developed and deployed over the course of many months are better served by staying in the ruby ecosystem, and taking advantage of gem2deb and a local apt repository for deployment if the situation warrants it.

I'm sure you have further criteria for when you'd pick `apt-get install rails` over `gem install rails`, and it would be good to hear them - especially ones that'll hold 18 months from now. I'm not being snarky here, when people ask me about this I have no better advice to give them than what I've written above.


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