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Mass upload for rubygems-integration!

Hello all,

A few emails ago, Antonio Terceiro announced that he was working on a
way to integrate libraries installed via apt/Debian into the Rubygems
system.  The actual integration will be provided by the
rubygems-integration package, but it requires the installation of the
gemspec files.  For more information, see the second half of [1].

Now, as gem2deb installs the relevant gemspec file per package since
version 0.3.0, we will get the best Rubygems integration if we rebuild
all gem2deb-using packages with a build-depend on >= 0.3.0~.  Given that
there are at least over 300 packages using gem2deb, this will require a
mass-upload to be ready before the Wheezy freeze, and there is also only
a week remaining.

To coordinate this mass-upload, I would like to invite everyone to the
"upload parties" held on the IRC in the #debian-ruby channel (on the
OFTC/irc.debian.org) Tuesday, 26 June and Friday, 29 June from 18:00
till 0:00 CEST (+0200).   There we can divide up the work.

Especially for the Debian/Ruby Extras team:
- If you are one of the main uploaders of a package, we ask you to do
  the upload as soon as possible.  If we notice that there is not so
  much activity from the uploaders on Tuesday and especially on Friday,
  we will upload it for you. 

- Antonio and I have added two scripts to the pkg-ruby-extras
  * needs-gemspec-install: lists (locally!) the packages that still
    need to be processed;
  * add-gemspec-install: updates the necessary build-depend in
    debian/control of a packages, signs and uploads it.
  Don't forget to also run quick-update to keep track of what others
  are doing!

If there are any questions or remarks, please let us know!  Now, let's
continue to make the Ruby-support for Wheezy even more awesome than it
already is!  Thanks in advance for your help.


1: https://lists.debian.org/debian-ruby/2012/06/msg00097.html
2: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-ruby-extras/pkg-ruby-extras.git

Using the Power of Debian GNU/Linux  | E-mail: paulvt@debian.org
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