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Re: Dropping ruby-commandline, or declaring it 1.8-only?

Hi Gunnar,

On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 06:26:43PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Hi,

> CommandLine::Application has a very nice API and used to work quite
> fine for me, but it is not 1.9.1-compatible (it even fails to fail -
> #676125, #676248). The last release was in 2005, and it does not exist
> in Gem form (which means, it's very unlikely Ruby people care about it
> at all).

> Now, the question: Should we drop this package? Or should we build it
> for 1.8 only? Of course, keeping it runnable under 1.9.1 is just not a
> good idea (as it silently fails).

> I don't think there is much value in keeping an equivalent option
> parser given there is a functionally equivalent version in the
> stdlib... but before filing for removal, I'd like your input.

I investigated a few days ago this problem, and found at least why it
silently fails with Ruby1.9: with Ruby 1.9, private_instance_methods
returns a list of symbols, not a list of strings, so the machinery to
initialize the application in lib/commandline/application.rb fails.

I had two patches (attached) to go just a little further. But I still
got errors. I am afraid I may not have time to look deeper into this
defore a couple of days, but I hope it can help —at least, now
commandline succeeds in failing with Ruby 1.9 ;).


--- a/lib/commandline/optionparser/option.rb
+++ b/lib/commandline/optionparser/option.rb
@@ -180,6 +180,10 @@
+  def to_ary
+    nil
+  end
 end#class Option
 end#module CommandLine
--- a/lib/commandline/application.rb
+++ b/lib/commandline/application.rb
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
     # Call the child usurped initialize
-    __child_initialize if 
-      self.class.private_instance_methods(false).include?("__child_initialize")
+    __child_initialize if 
+      self.class.private_instance_methods(false).map{|m| m.to_s}.include?("__child_initialize")
     @option_parser ||= CommandLine::OptionParser.new(@options)
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
   def self.run(argv=ARGV)
     # Usurp an existing initialize so ours can be called first.
     # We rename it __child_initialize and call it from initialize.
-    if self.private_instance_methods(false).include?("initialize")
+    if self.private_instance_methods(false).map{|m| m.to_s }.include?("initialize")
       $VERBOSE, verbose = nil, $VERBOSE
       self.class_eval {
         alias :__child_initialize :initialize
@@ -259,7 +259,8 @@
   def self.inherited(child_class)
-    @@appname = caller[0][/.*:/][0..-2]
+    #@@appname = caller[0][/.*:/][0..-2]
+    @@appname = caller[0].sub(/:\d+(:in `<.*>')?\Z/, "")
     @@child_class = child_class
     if @@appname == $0
@@ -273,6 +274,7 @@
   def main
     #raise(MissingMainError, "Method #main must be defined in class #{@@child_class}.")
     @@child_class.class_eval %{ def main; end }
     #self.class_eval %{ def main; end }
@@ -416,7 +419,8 @@
 Application_wo_AutoRun = Class.new(Application)
 class Application_wo_AutoRun
   def self.inherited(child_class)
-    @@appname = caller[0][/.*:/][0..-2]
+    #@@appname = caller[0][/.*:/][0..-2]
+    @@appname = caller[0].sub(/:\d+(:in `<.*>')?\Z/, "")
     @@child_class = child_class

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