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Re: creating debian packages

Ar 01/06/2004 am 14:00, ysgrifennodd Roeland Moors:
> Here is the ruby package:
> http://rubyforge.org/projects/gnucap/
> The debian package can be created by typing 'rake deb' in de
> topdir. (rake must be installed)

As far as I can tell, Rake is not currently available for Debian and
would need to be packaged before the gnucap library.

The debian/rules file *must* run all commands required to build the
package. This includes invoking Rake.

> This is my first attempt at a debian package so tell me if I'm
> doing something wrong. Suggestions, comments are welcome.

Could you provide a Debian source package? I.e. This should be a
.orig.tar.gz, a .diff.gz and a .dsc.

I think the section should be "libs" rather than "interpreters".

I don't think there should be a "1.8" on the end of the package name --
my understanding is that this convention should normally be reserved for
packages built from the main Ruby distribution.

The examples included in the package should be installed in

It would be nice if all the boilerplate debhelper lines were removed
from the rules file.



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