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Re: Article in Information Systems Research.

<quote who="Charles Plessy" date="Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 08:00:22PM +0900">
> My automatic bibliographic searches picked the following article, that
> may be relevant to the research of some of you:
> Emergence of New Project Teams from Open Source Software Developer
> Networks: Impact of Prior Collaboration Ties
> Hahn, J., Moon, J. Y., Zhang, C.
> Information Systems Research 2008 19: p. 369-391
> http://isr.journal.informs.org/cgi/content/abstract/19/3/369?ct
> It is unfortunately published in a non-open journal for which my
> institution does not have a subscription, so I can not tell more about
> the potential interest of this article.

Looks like there's a preprint here:



Benjamin Mako Hill

Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far
as society is free to use the results. --GNU Manifesto

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