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Re: Accepted net-snmp 5.8+dfsg-1 (source all amd64) into unstable, unstable

 I'll have to build a new version of net-snmp including the library to fix at least the perl problem.  For that second upload, do you want me to run it through experimental or just upload "normally"?
With the RC bug, it's not going anywhere fast in its current state.
 - Craig

On Tue, 15 Oct 2019 at 07:24, Paul Gevers <elbrus@debian.org> wrote:
Hi Craig,

On 14-10-2019 04:27, Craig Small wrote:
> Hi Paul (and others),
>   I think I see the problem, the wiki has two places for transition.
> https://wiki.debian.org/TransitionBestPractices which speaks to the

Whow, not updated since 2014.

> developer and doesn't mention at all things like going into experimental and
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/ReleaseTeam/Transitions which initially

Which is linked from https://release.debian.org/transitions/

> looks more like what the transition team need to do but has important
> instructions for developers.

Yes, that page is totally meant for developers.

> So it seems Debian's documentation strikes again.

Ack. I'll fix the first wiki page you mentioned. Thanks for bringing
that up.

> My understanding of experimental was it was used for, well, experimental
> stuff. However, the release teams page uses this as a standard workflow.

Yes, as has been communicated multiple times. Last that I know of (about
the source-only issue):

The documentation about how to start transitions is indeed the second
wiki you mention.

> Regarding the source only uploads, this is the message you get if you
> try that.
> Source-only uploads to NEW are not allowed.
> binary:libsnmp35 is NEW.
> binary:libsnmp35-dbg is NEW.


> My understanding now is this running through experimental hack will
> "fix" this issue. You upload, I guess the full binary/source into
> experimental, wait, and then it's fine for sid once its updates.


> It looks like its going to be stuck in sid anyway, there is a
> perl-related problem that is somehow related to what the Debian
> packaging is doing to the module (it works ok as a plain upstream thing).

I'm subscribed to the snmp bugs (because of my cacti-spine reverse
dependency), so I saw that.


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