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FCoE status for Debian 8


This e-mail is an inquiry about allowing Debian 8 to support FCoE.

Debian 7 supported FCoE via the fcoe-utils package, which depends on the 
lldpad package.  I discovered not long before the freeze these packages 
had been removed from unstable and jessie because the maintainer no 
longer had time to update them and they had a dependency on libnl which 
was being removed in favor of libnl-3.  The dependency on libnl has 
since been corrected upstream.

I maintain a few other Debian packages and my employer uses FCoE, so I 
will be maintaining these packages as part of my job.  I have been added 
to the FCoE maintainers project in Debian and rebuilt both the lldpad 
and fcoe-utils packages using upstream's patches for libnl-3.  
Unfortunately, it took a while for the previous maintainer and I to 
realize he did not have time to do the upload for me.  As a result, the 
packages were not uploaded until just before the freeze.

I originally intended to wait until the packages were accepted to 
request an unblock but they have been waiting over a month and there has 
been no feedback about what is going on, so I guess I should go ahead.  
My question is: given Debian 7 supported FCoE and these packages are 
minimally modified from the Debian 7 version, would the release team 
consider allowing them into Debian 8 if the packages are accepted?

Key points:

* If you search for Linux FCoE you will easily find how to do it and how 
to do it is to install the fcoe-utils package, which is in most distros.  
For example:  

* I *will* maintain Debian 8 versions of these packages for my employer, 
regardless of the release team's decision about allowing them into 
jessie.  However, I would like to make it easy for other companies using 
FCoE to run Debian 8.

* Unlike the previous maintainer, I have access to FCoE equipment.  I 
have tested the packages and verified they work.

* I have a number of improvements in mind but the versions Tony uploaded 
for me are as close as possible to the versions currently in wheezy.

* The packages are a leaf and twig.  Nothing else really interacts with 
fcoe-utils and although it requires lldapd specifically, there are 
alternative implementations of LLDP daemons available in jessie.

Thank you,

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