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Bug#689425: unblock: fcitx-googlepinyin/0.1.6-1


On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 1:17 AM, Adam D. Barratt
<adam@adam-barratt.org.uk> wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> On 02.10.2012 14:29, Aron Xu wrote:
>> This is a relatively big debdiff, but most of the noise are come from
>> the newly added svg files which show up as text files in diff. These
>> changes are limiting the input and install icons to avoid crashing
>> fcitx main program. Even when known issues in fcitx has already been
>> fixed, it would be good to make fcitx-googlepinyin safer.
> Could you expand on what you mean by "limiting the input and install icons",
> please?

"limiting the input" means limiting how many alphabets a user can
input in one shot. Doing such is because there isn't such a check in
libgooglepinyin and the upstream of the library won't fix it (it's
forked from Google Android), so we have to workaround it by adding the
limit in wrapper program. It's reproducible that when a users types
many alphabets in a very quick manner (for example, press a key and
hold for 60 seconds), the program will crash. Relevant upstream
changeset: https://github.com/fcitx/fcitx-googlepinyin/commit/4d92fc61c535b26509ec0fb45f65a57420bc06b9

"install icons" means adding an icon for this input engine, this is
just another workaround of libgooglepinyin. Because of copyright
problems we cannot use the original icon from Google, so when being
forked the icon was removed. This triggered a bug in some previous
versions of fcitx, though the bug is fixed in current version, it's
not a bad thing to be safe. This icon is drawn by upstream of fcitx.

Aron Xu

Aron Xu

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