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systemd and dovecot

	We really need to get dovecot compiled on the non-linux platforms to
progress with the mysql migration. The systemd dependency puzzles me
somewhat as systemd is not available on non-linux platforms and dovecot
has previously compiled on those platforms.

	So at the very least the "systemd" dependency should be
"systemd[linux]". Also it would surely be prudent if the "
--with-systemdsystemunitdir=auto \" argument to configure were only set
on linux platforms.

	However, whilst I don't know anything about systemd, this still looks
like a little broken. I am puzzled that the dependency is on systemd and
not libsystemd-daemon-dev. After all the libsystemd-daemon-dev package
contains the "/usr/include/systemd/sd-daemon.h" file which is included
by some dovecot source files.

	I could raise an NMU to fix these issues but some advice from the
systemd people would be appreciated.

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