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Re: Unblock (or better solutions) for ksplice (> 0.8.7)

Luca Bruno <lucab@debian.org> writes:
> So I'm asking what you suggest to do:
> - unblock 0.9.0-1 for lenny as is
> - upload the new 0.9.1-1 to sid and then unblock it for lenny

I think it's too late for both of these options. Sorry, but accepting a
few thousand new lines of code just a few weeks before the release is
not really how Debian releases work.

> - upload 0.9.0-1lenny0 to t-p-u with the backported offset patch

Could you give a rough estimate how big this patch would be?

BOFH #259:
Someone's tie is caught in the printer, and if anything else gets
printed, he'll be in it too.

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