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Re: Release goal

On 28/08/07, Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote:
> Personally, I'd say it's more a publicity issue than a technical one --
> first in getting Debian a reputation for being easy to install and use
> (for kernel hackers who're indifferent to distros, anyway), and in its
> aims ("Linus uses Debian for five minutes!"). Which is fine and good,
> but -release isn't going to be a lot of help in making it happen.

I'd have to agree here. Although I personally find debian easier to
install and maintain than any other distro I've tried now or in the
past, I'm also surprised to learn that Linus feels otherwise. However
having "never run Debian" himself, I can't help but imagine that this
is due to some distant stigma associated with the distro - rather than
based on its own merit.

The fact that he's clumped debian together with the "compile
everything by hand" distros - is merely showing his ignorance in this
regard. Otherwise you could be forgiven for failing to understand how
anyone could prefer a rpm based distro as opposed to a deb based one.

Having said that, perhaps this release goal should be "increasing
awareness of debian in the linux desktop market?" - or something along
those lines (not that trivial to quantify though)

Joel Shea <jwshea@gmail.com>
GPG Key ID: 0xA992856D

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