On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 12:05:55PM +0200, Holger Levsen wrote: > On Sunday 08 May 2005 02:56, Steve Langasek wrote: > > While I'm sure all of the changes you've made are justified in their own > > right, we can't justify spending release team time on reviewing changes > > that don't meet the criteria for freeze exceptions. Please, upload a > > version this package fixing only the RC/documentation/translation issues to > > testing-proposed-updates. > Hmmm... starting something with "i agree... but..." usually doesn't really > indicate agreement or understanding. But it's true and we do understand your > point and agree, but we also would like to point out some facts you might not > have been aware off: > - fai-2.8.2.dif contains only RC-bugfixes. True, but 2.8.1 had many other changes. > - fai-2.8.1 was uploaded on April, 30th and blocked by manual hint by aba > which is commented with " # upload urgency inflation ..." - but the urgency > of the 2.8.1 was low. Without that hint, fai 2.8.1 would have made it into > sarge. That's not true. The archive was frozen on May 3, so a low-priority upload on April 30 would not have been a candidate for testing before then. (I don't think aba's "urgency inflation" hint was actually active in April, but it doesn't matter because of the above.) > - fai-2.8.1 was heavily tested and reviewed by a group of nine fai-developers > and heavy-users who gathered together in a fai workshop in the beginning of > april (the work for 2.8.1 was done on a list, 2.8 was created at the > workshop.) Nevertheless, it is the release team's responsibility to know what's going into testing during the freeze. I've reviewed the diff for 2.8.2 now; it's approved to go in. -- Steve Langasek postmodern programmer
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