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Re: M68K boot floppies / CDs

I tend to agree with what Philip is saying.

>   2) we fix it and go to _r5 for m68k only
(other stuff)
> In conclusion, I think we should probably allow for point releases of
> stable to be made independently on different architectures, and we
> should make one now for m68k.

Why not treat arch specific point releases like arch specific binary only
NMU's? That would mean fix m68k and make it 2.1r4.1.

This way, inbetween all-arch releases (major r# changes) the archs can have
minor releases. So after this, m68k is r4.1. Now if we ever did a major
revision release for all archs of slink again (not likey before potato,
but bear with me for the argument), then all archs will still become r5
instead of m68k being r6 and the rest r5.

That should make everyone happy right? Richard, is that doable from a
release-management side?

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
`     bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bmc@visi.net     '

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