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Re: Debian 2.1r5

On Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 02:03:51AM +0100, Christian Surchi wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 06:54:44PM +0000, Mark Brown wrote:

> > What segfaults?  Did it work before?  I did actually test this version,
> > but it's possible that I missed something.  There are a number of bugs 
> > in 1.6 that cause random segfaults when talking to some remote software,
> > but they have always been there in Slink.

> Uhm, I used slink original version of leafnode and I had no problem. Now
> when I connect to some servers I have abnormal segmentation faults and
> sometimes, if I repeat the connection... no problem. :P

Which only appeared with 2.1r5?  Strange indeed.  Can you report a bug
if you want me to look at it, please?

> Other segfaults with some articles that leafnode doesn't like and it can't
> write id on disk. 

I'm pretty sure those are pre-existing.

> I understand that there are new versions, but we released it as a better
> packages for slink... 

I'm aware of that - those are there for people who encounter the random
segfaults that prevent them from using it but which either don't have a
small enough fix or are too unusual to warrant an upload to stable.

Mark Brown  mailto:broonie@tardis.ed.ac.uk   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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