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Bug#755359: [kdm] systemd seem to fail to start display-manager.service

On 01/10/2015 03:11 PM, Francesco Muzio wrote:
>> It actually depends on which package you reconfigure. So, if you run
>> "dpkg-reconfigure lightdm" (provided that lightdm is installed) and
>> choose "kdm as your default DM, it should work. However, if you do
>> that with "dpkg-reconfigure kdm" and choose "kdm" or any other DM for
>> that matter, it shouldn't work.
> With my test I deduced that the soft-link is created only if another
> display-manager is configured, is choosed kdm as default and a
> kdm.service exists in the right path

Yes, that's what I said :).

>> However, just to be sure I'm asking again: When you do a fresh
>> installation and don't use a service file for kdm, kdm works and
>> "systemctl status kdm.service" shows that it's running however you get
>> the warning in the journal about the display-manager service, right?
> yes, right.

Good. Then I just need to verify that doing a clean installation
with just kdm and then just adding the service file won't work
(which is what I am expecting).

In any case, I will hopefully provide an updated kdm package
in the following week that you can try at your desire.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaubitz@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de
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