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Bug#755359: [kdm] systemd seem to fail to start display-manager.service

Il 10/01/2015 00:43, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz ha scritto:
Ok, I thoroughly analyzed your qemu image and eventually found out that
the symbolic link /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service which
points to /lib/systemd/system/kdm.service was missing. A simple

	ln -s /lib/systemd/system/kdm.service

fixed it for me.
I've no /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service on my machines, very interesting
Don't ask me why, but it was missing on your installation but not
on mine. I have to figure that out and I have to read up on the
documentation again to understand where this symlink comes from,
I did *not* create it manually in my case.

how many display managers are installed on your systems?

if I install slim a soft link /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service is created and it points to slim service

you're saying that after a clean installation when only one display-manager (KDM) is installed a soft link /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service is created for it ? right ?

if you run a dpkg-reconfigure kdm to change the default DM and choose gdm3/slim the /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service link is updated automatically? And if you re-choose KDM as default /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service point again to kdm.service ?

Also, the kdm.service that you put under /lib/systemd/system/
has a completely messed up formatting because you somehow messed
it up during copy and paste. Try looking at the file with "cat
/lib/systemd/system/kdm.service" and you understand what I mean.
I don't know whether this had any impact though.
It has been caused by a quick and dirty HTTP transfer
PS: Next time you share such a qemu image, please don't set the
     locale and the keyboard layout to Italian. It makes it easier
     for non-Italian-speaking folk to help you.
I will consider the advice.

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