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Bug#755359: [kdm] systemd seem to fail to start display-manager.service

Il 10/01/2015 02:18, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz ha scritto:
that this symlink is actually always created by the postinst script of
the display manager (on Debian, Fedora uses the [Install] section of
the .service file for that by setting an alias to
display-manager.service) and looking at the source code of the kdm
Debian package, this particular part is actually missing in the kdm
package while it is present in the lightdm package. So it's actually a
bit surprising that the link was installed on my test system.
It actually depends on which package you reconfigure. So, if you run
"dpkg-reconfigure lightdm" (provided that lightdm is installed) and
choose "kdm as your default DM, it should work. However, if you do
that with "dpkg-reconfigure kdm" and choose "kdm" or any other DM for
that matter, it shouldn't work.

With my test I deduced that the soft-link is created only if another display-manager is configured, is choosed kdm as default and a kdm.service exists in the right path

However, just to be sure I'm asking again: When you do a fresh installation and don't use a service file for kdm, kdm works and "systemctl status kdm.service" shows that it's running however you get the warning in the journal about the display-manager service, right?

yes, right.

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