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Re: archive rebuilds, wrap-up


When you have done all three steps successfully, I will send you an
archive with the Debian QA EC2 account key. Using it, you can reserve
and terminate instances.

We use "spot instances" (instances at a lower price that can be
terminated by Amazon if the "market price" becomes higher than the price
we are offering). Generally, I use m2.xlarge instances, with several
"slots" per node (masternode's -s option).

See README, and check that you can successfully use
ec2-request-spot-instances, ec2-describe-instances, and

Now, real work. We need to:
- do another full archive rebuild, and process all the results
- do a gcc4.8 rebuild. the contact for that is doko@debian.org. He told
that he would like to be notified before we start the rebuild, so that
he can update the packages.
- do a openjdk7 rebuild. The contact for that is nthykier@debian.org.

Please pick up one of the tasks, and coordinate here!

Let me know if you have questions.


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