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Re: [poll] Ubuntu column on DDPO visible by default?

On Thu, Aug 05, 2010 at 04:22:07PM -0400, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> The problem is not just about how much data should to included: only 
> information should be included while having usability in mind.

Regarding usability I'm also struggling with certain problems with the
Blends tasks pages which somehow also try to provide as much information
as possible.  I somehow endet up with some JavaScript based popups but
I'm not very excited about this solution.  I'm no web design expert nor
do I know anything about new HTML5 features but we should consider
somehow the strategy to place some "markers" in a trafic light symbolic
or something like this.  A red marker tells you there is a need to do
something and if you navigate to the marker you get the information what
has to be done.  A yellow marker tells you that there is a chance for
enhancement and once you navigate to this you get more detailed
information.  Green might provide some extra information but everything
is in shape.

Using this is probably a reasonable way to put all information even on
small screens (SmartPhones ?!?!) while beeing es detailed as needed.
And no, I do not feel able to implement this myself.
Kind regards



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