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Re: Report from Debconf's QA BOF

Steve Langasek wrote:
On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 12:01:26AM -0300, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
- O: bugs are now RC, so packages are removed from testing using the
  release team's existing policies. Which means that some O: packages
  might stay in testing for a longer time because they are dependencies
  of other packages.

Were members of the release team represented in this BoF?

Sure, Luk was here, and didn't express any disagreement. Actually, I
tried hard to give several opportunities to raise concerns, but
everybody apparently really agreed with the proposal.

Hrm, ok...  well, I still disagree, but I seem to be overruled :)

The orphanage bug being RC does only mean that it needs to be adopted, removed (from unstable and/or testing) or downgraded before the next release IMHO. The three options should still be possible, but at least they are actively being watched as having non-maintained packages in the release should be avoided if possible IMHO.



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