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Re: How are packages associated with resigned debian developers handled?

On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 11:10:01AM +0100, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> This is my context, but my question is generic.  How are packages
> maintained by developers that resign handled, and how should they be
> handled.  Personally, I believe those packages should be orphaned
> right away, to make it easier for others to take over.  As it is now,
> one need to ask a resigned developer if it is OK to take over the
> package, and the response time might be slow.  I believe there is a
> hole in the official Debian procedures for handling resigned
> developers that do not put up all their packages for adoption, and
> suggest we come up with a procedure to handle it.

I am unsure about this, as the Developers' Reference has this to say
about `retiring' from the project:

     If you choose to leave the Debian project, you should make sure you do
     the following steps:

     1.   Orphan all your packages, as described in Section 5.9.4,
          `Orphaning a package'.

     2.   Send an gpg-signed email about why you are leaving the project to

     3.   Notify the Debian key ring maintainers that you are leaving by
          emailing to <keyring-maint@debian.org>.

Does this apply here?


Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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