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Re: [libdbi-devel] libdbi in Debian being outdated and seems orphaned: can I take over the package?

Quoting Thomas Goirand <thomas@goirand.fr>:


Bellow is the mail I received from the upstream of libdbi. The current
maintainer, David Parker, is Cc: to this message, so he can reply if he
is still interested in doing the maintenance.

If David is not willing to continue maintaining it, I can try to take
over the package.

Did you Thomas, or David, get any feedback from Jeremy Malcolm? I know Jeremy from the RefDB mailing list, and I recall that he intended to package RefDB and maybe libdbi too.

The last entry in the Debian changelog is "Tue, 20 Jan 2004", which is
quite old. And there's this "quite annoying" bug with no reply from the
current maintainer:


which made the lib removed from Etch.

I have never seen a crash like this on any recent version of libdbi. However, I'm testing libdbi on FreeBSD and on Windows/Cygwin, and there is always a chance that Debian is a little less forgiving in terms of memory allocation errors. But then, I use valgrind to check alloc problems quite frequently, and I didn't see any errors in libdbi except that it may lose some memory. In any case you should keep in mind that libdbi-drivers (not libdbi itself) contains a test program (try "make check") that you can use to test all available drivers on your particular platform. If that works ok, there are good chances that the application using libdbi screwed up things and caused the reported bug.


Markus Hoenicka
(Spam-protected email: replace the quadrupeds with "mhoenicka")

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