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Re: Bugs, usertags, and including more people

On Wed, 2005-08-03 at 13:50 -0300, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> Hi!
> One of the things that I proposed in my talk during Debconf5 is to
> have a friendlier bug interface that allows for bugs to be sorted on
> the language (c, python, perl, etc) of the code, and the difficulty of
> solving them (trivial, easy, interesting, tedious, difficult
> guru-level).
> The main idea is that I'd like to set up a nifty page that shows the
> bugs submitted during the last week, or something like that, and
> allows anyone to browse through them in the search of a bug that they
> can fix and send a patch for.
> The final goal of this idea is to get more people involved in helping
> in Debian.  i.e. the main target for this are non-maintainers, but of
> course it would be open for anyone.
> (...)

Hi Margarita,

It seems that you're trying to prepare a team like gnome bugsquad[0]. I
don't have enough time to help atm and i don't know if there's another
initiative like this into the project, starting right now. 

I recommend you write something like the 'triage guide' and with ajt
help and maybe others simplify the BTS interface for "bugsquad" team

Some "saved searches", usertags or whatever will be the name of this
debbugs feature, that i think will be useful for this team if used
together with the "today, yesterday, this week, this month" bugs:

- too old (x days) already patched, pending and l18n bugs
  Code to check when the X tag was added will be required.

- release critical bugs
  any RC bug

- etch release critical bugs
  only etch considered RC bugs

If you go further and add a "claim" interface with a default expire for
a week or two ( to avoid a person claiming a bug and the others start
ignoring it for too much time ), it'll be even useful for BSP's and RM
team, imo.

[0] = http://developer.gnome.org/projects/bugsquad/

Gustavo Franco -- <stratus@debian.org>

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