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Bug#243668: qa.debian.org: bugs on packages.qa.d.o not updated -> packages.qa.d.o should move to merkel too

Quoting Colin Watson:
> > Because packages.qa.d.o is on master, it uses master's bug mirror, and I
> > guess that's the reason the bugcounts aren't updated anymore on
> > packages.qa.d.o
> master's mirror is still being updated for the time being. However, I
> agree that packages.qa should move to merkel.

Packages.qa is on master but it uses info from merkel, that's why it
tries to download http://merkel.debian.org/~hertzog/pts/bugs.txt but
this fails because the configuration of apache changed on merkel... if
someone of debian-admin could fix that, I'd appreciate it.

In the mean time, the PTS will continue to be out of date.

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://www.ouaza.com
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