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Re: Low Averge Bug Counts

I'm not sure why everyone's Cc'ing me on this thread.

On Sat, Dec 15, 2001 at 01:50:01PM -0800, Grant Bowman wrote:
> > What about people like myself who are stuck with crappy bits of
> > software like trn which have lots of bugs which are unlikely to be
> > fixed any time soon? It seems like my efforts are being belittled by
> > this sort of thing.
> What I suspect you have an issue with is using the Bug Rate as a
> statistic to measure effectiveness.  So what suggestions do you have for
> how we should proceed?

Personally, I think measuring developer "effectiveness" is a really bad
thing to do. It doesn't lead to any desirable outcomes (like focussing
effort on things that need it) and it's not particularly accurate (it
doesn't measure contributions that don't result in bugs being closed,
nor does it take into account packages having different distributions
of bugs).

But, shrug, whatever.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

 "Security here. Yes, maam. Yes. Groucho glasses. Yes, we're on it.
   C'mon, guys. Somebody gave an aardvark a nose-cut: somebody who
    can't deal with deconstructionist humor. Code Blue."
		-- Mike Hoye,
		      see http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/armadillos.txt

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