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window managers

I don't subscribe to the QA list, but someone brought this to my attention.

> ----- Forwarded message from Martin Schulze <joey@finlandia.Infodrom.North.DE> -----
> I believe that there are three things which need to be done:
>   a) Define a way to find out if the admin has installed a default
>      window manager.
>   b) Before any wm.postinst asks the user about a default wm it has
>      to check if there is a default wm already installed.  If it is
>      this fact has to be accepted and the user isn't queried again.
>   c) There should be a wm-configure script which would be invoked
>      by the hooks mechanism if it is implemented or issued by the
>      admin otherwise.  I've already shown an example for this script.
> If I remember correctly (I haven't bothered with this before) all
> window managers place the name of the executable in
> /etc/X11/window-managers.  Although there is a prioritized ordering 
> in the file there is no easy way to detect the default manager since
> the first manager that add itself to the file doesn't need to be the
> default.
> Now come up with proposals how to detect the default one.  This
> must not break the current mechanism.
>  . What about a blank line?
>  . What about the default being placed before the comments?
>  . Maybe re-use /etc/X11/config?

I already plan to implement alternatives handling for window managers.
That should handle points a) and b) above; I don't know about c).

See the X Strike Force page for other things on my todo list.

Please Cc: replies to me; I don't read debian-qa.

G. Branden Robinson              |
Debian GNU/Linux                 |   If God had intended for man to go about
branden@ecn.purdue.edu           |   naked, we would have been born that way.
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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