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Re: BugSquash Party this sunday

Previously Christian Kurz wrote:
> We still have more then 300 open bugs after two bug-squashing-partys
> and several runs of dinstall. So there has been enough time and I don't
> think that the next one will be more effective.

That's a completely useless statistic. The bugs that are open now are not
the same bugs that were open then. By far most of them are completely
new bugs.

> It's just the problem, that the number of bugs is still not getting down
> and it seems many people forget about RCBs and the effect of the last
> two partys was nearly above zero according to my knowledge.

You don't get it. New bugs are being filed like crazy! I see about 5
release-critical bugs being files each day. Some days a lot more
(15 on a day is nothing exceptional even if the buildd-administrators
are processing theirs logs).


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