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Re: Suggesting change in DPT policy

Hi Scott,

Am Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 11:44:07AM +0000 schrieb Scott Kitterman:
> This makes more sense to me.  It is completely understandable that how things are communicated affects how people feel about them.  This is a difficult thing to get right.  I have experienced similar demotivating conversations in Debian myself.

Seems everybody who has contributed to Debian some time was facing this.
> Everyone in Debian is already bound by the code of conduct already, so it seems redundant to add it here again.  While I agree with the principle you are trying to address, I think this change unnecessarily clutters the DPT document and we should not make it.

I have no really strong opinion about this.  I had the cluttering point
in mind when I moved this paragraph right to the end.  I agree that it
is redundant to some extend.  Sometimes saying things repeatedly does
not harm but I would not strongly insist on this change.

Kind regards


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