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Re: Suggesting change in DPT policy

On Wednesday, February 28, 2024 3:21:12 AM EST Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi,
> Louis-Philippe (just quoting below in case you might have missed it) is
> repeating the importance that anyone who thinks my suggestion (MR[1]) is
> a bad idea make themselves heard.  I'm hereby adding those maintainers
> who have more than 5 packages that are affected and did not yet raised
> their opinion in To: field.
> udd=> SELECT * FROM (select maintainer, count(*) from sources where
> uploaders like '%team+python@tracker.debian.org%' and release = 'sid' group
> by maintainer order by maintainer) tmp WHERE count > 5; maintainer         
>                       | count
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------+-
> ------ Debian PaN Maintainers
> <debian-pan-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |     7
> Jeroen Ploemen <jcfp@debian.org>                            |    16
> Piotr Ożarowski <piotr@debian.org>                          |    23
> Sandro Tosi <morph@debian.org>                              |    82 
> Scott Kitterman <scott@kitterman.com>                    |     7 
> Vincent Bernat <bernat@debian.org>                         |    15
>     (6 rows)
> Debian PaN is another team which might need extra discussion but I think
> the intention is clear and Scott has raised his opinion before[2].
> Kind regards
>     Andreas.
> [1]
> https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/tools/python-modules/-/merge_requests/
> 20 [2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2024/02/msg00060.html

I used to use this a lot more than I do now.  Currently I only use it for 
packages where I'm also the or a upstream developer, so it generally makes 
more sense to do non-packaging changes there.  This did cause me to go back 
and check and I found one I had missed when I was changing this previously.  
I've just uploaded vrfydmn with DPT as maintainer.

Looking at your list, I note that it includes team members that have been very 
active in team wide work, not just on their own packages.  I think it would be 
contrary to the spirit of Debian and working together if we changed the rules 
and they felt they had to leave the team.

Scott K

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