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Re: TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 3 found (Was: Updated python-uncertainties)


> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/uncertainties/core.py", line 946, in <dictcomp>
> >     ord(sup): normal for (normal, sup) in list(TO_SUPERSCRIPT.items())}

Please always provide a minimal testcase, otherwise people have to do a
lot of work simply to get where you are..

  $ cat testcase.py
  # coding=utf-8
      0x2b: '⁺',
      0x2d: '⁻',
      0x30: '⁰',
      0x31: '¹',
      0x32: '²',
      0x33: '³',
      0x34: '⁴',
      0x35: '⁵',
      0x36: '⁶',
      0x37: '⁷',
      0x38: '⁸',
      0x39: '⁹'
  #! Python 2.7+ can use a dictionary comprehension instead:
      ord(sup): normal for (normal, sup) in list(TO_SUPERSCRIPT.items())}

  $ python2 testcase.py  
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "testcase.py", line 18, in <module>
      ord(sup): normal for (normal, sup) in list(TO_SUPERSCRIPT.items())}
    File "testcase.py", line 18, in <dictcomp>
      ord(sup): normal for (normal, sup) in list(TO_SUPERSCRIPT.items())}
  TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 3 found

Under Python 2.x, list(TO_SUPERSCRIPT.items()) is:

  [(43, '\xe2\x81\xba'),
   (45, '\xe2\x81\xbb'),
   (48, '\xe2\x81\xb0'),

ie. strings with a length of 3 whilst ord() takes a single char. These
should therefore be probably defined as:

      0x2b: u'⁺',
      0x2d: u'⁻',

.. instead, but I haven't tested or confirmed or anythinged that; I'll
leave it with you and upstream.

I also couldn't help notice:

  Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/python-uncertainties
  Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/python-uncertainties.git

.. yet:

  Maintainer: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team@lists.alioth.debian.org>


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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