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Re: Move to salsa? Team structure preview ready


2018-02-08 14:35 GMT+01:00 Raphael Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org>:
This is not really needed. In fact I would suggest to de-activate the
"request to join" feature. It mails all "masters" (and all DD are masters
since they need to be able to create new repositories) and it doesn't
offer a way to explain why you need to join the team.

I disabled "request to join" feature. To join DPMT/PAPT you need to send email to debian-python and agree with policy. We already ignored alioth join requests.

But I don't think all DD are masters in our team. This is true only for 'Debian' team. Even if you are DD, you need to join team or subteam to have commit access to it.

Instead one should go through alioth project members and add them directly
to salsa. And -guest users should create their account and ask here to be
added (explaining that they were member before already).

maybe we can cleanup member list and don't do migration at all. So require explicit request to join. I don't have to process it.
But IMO alioth project members should be added to the "modules" sub-group
and not to the top-level group. Otherwise the "interpreter" subgroup will
have way too many members compared to what is desired.

agree. DPMT members should be members of "modules" group, PAPT members should be members of "applications".

S pozdravem/Best regards
 Ondřej Nový
Email: novy@ondrej.org
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